A new restaurant, pizzeria and café La Cultura opened. Modern style premises and a wide range of dishes, coffee cocktails, pizzas and drinks offer just what you are looking for. We work exclusively with quality materials, quality COSTADORO CAFFE of which we are the sole distributor in Slovak market. We decided for non-smokers restaurant and thus follow the European trends in this direction.
We founded the Slovak Coffee Association that is a member of the global non-profit organization SCAE (Speciality Coffee Assn. of Europe - www.scae.com), where we were given a status of the coordinator of SCAE- Slovak Chapter with the right (besides organizing trainings and other activities) to organize the official Championship of Slovak Republic in coffee preparation and Barista Championship where the winner goes up to prestigious world´s finals.
At the end of 2010 we opened a modern and stylish café restaurant Grand Caffee Brasserie where we bet on the quality of service. Brasserie comes from the French language but this term is now naturalized in England, especially for metropolitan restaurants, and indicates that at one place you can find and expect quality beer, coffee and cuisine as well as a kind of entertainment following the character, spirit and philosophy of the restaurant.
We began to roast our own exclusive coffee 9 grams coffee – 1st roaster in town that is offered to our guests and customers who are interested in buying coffee for their own coffee houses or even private households. Neither did we circumvent the modern world trend of two in one - coffee roasters in coffee houses where you can watch the course of roasting your favourite coffee. We are the first and only coffee roaster of in Žilina.
We became an exclusive sale representative of Løv Organic tea-house where respect for nature and quality has a prominent place.
We opened a café restaurant in Trenčín called FOOD STATION in the schopping centre Laugarício. Our offer is identical to the La Cultura Žilina. During the summer months open-air terrace is available.
We became an exclusive distributor of co ANFIM for Slovakia. Their coffee grinders belong among the best in the market which is proven by a large number of world´s famous baristas who use these coffee grinds.
We launched an eShop CoffeeArt.sk mainly focused on our products and equipment for baristas, coffee houses, hotels, restaurants. Everything is specialized in coffee and tea.
At the beginning of the year we opened a barista training centre for preparation of coffee, coffee drinks and other levels of education not only for freshmen but professional baristas as well. The official name of the centre is 9GC Training Centre
Tea theory is our brand of organic teas for extraordinary costumers. All information you can find on webpage TEATHEORY.EU
We opened our specialty caffeterie FIVE POINTS in old city centre Bratislava. Bistro with hight quality service
We opened our 2nd Barista traning centre in Bratislava. First is in Zilina city, Slovakia